November 1918

13th (Service) Battalion Middlesex Regiment – War diary

1 Nov 1918

In the field

The Battn moved by route march from HAUSSY to BERMERAIN, where it remained in billets during the night of the 1/2 Nov.

2 Nov 1918

The Battn relieved units in the line as follows. A, B, and D Coys moved to high ground in rear of MARAISCHES during the afternoon and at dusk relieved the 2/5th GLOSTERS on a line in front of MARAISCHES from near FONT DESVEAUX to the RIVER RHONELLE. C Coy relieving 1 Coy ROY. BERKS. continued the line S. of the river, being in touch with the GUARDS on the right.

These positions were maintained until early afternoon of the 3rd.

3 Nov 1918

During the afternoon patrols having found that the enemy had retired the line was advanced and at dusk was established on the line JENLAIN (exclusive) VILLERS POL (exclusive). A and D Coys in front line. C and B in support. C Coy having crossed from S of the LA RHONELLE river.

4 Nov 1918

The remaining Battn of the brigade passed through the Battn at 06.30 and drove the enemy over the AUNELLE River. This being effected the 13th Mx concentrated towards the left near LE CORON and advanced through WARGNIES LE GRAND, during the afternoon.

A line was established E of that village, considerable opposition being experienced from machine guns. Capt. H.R. Mallet M.C. was wounded.

5 Nov 1918

Early in the morning the line was further advanced and the 17th Brigade then moved through, taking up pursuit of the enemy. The Batt then moved into billets at WARGNIES LE PETIT, remaining there until 7th when an advance to Bavai was made by route march.

7 – 8 Nov 1918

The Battn was billeted in BAVAI during the night 7/8 Nov and on 8th moved to LE  LOUVION being billeted there during the night 8/9 Nov.

9 Nov 1918

On the morning of 9th, the Battn moved out to what proved the last fight before the armistice.

Move was made (The Battn being in support during the early part of the day to the rest of the brigade), by LA BERLIERE and LES BAS VENTS. At this point the Battn went into front line, the 9th ROYAL SUSSEX being on the left, and the 7th N’HAMPTONS on the right. The line was advanced to about 1000 yards E of the MPNS-MAUBERGE road and about 1600, the Battn received orders to return to billets at LES BAS VENTS. Little opposition was experienced during this days operations.

10 Nov 1918

The Battn moved to billets in LA BERLIERE.

Military Medal was awarded to No. 43863 Pte. H. STONE, C Coy.

Major H.H. Hebden M.C. 1st Roy. Fusiliers assumed command of the Battn.

11 Nov 1918

The Battn moved to billets in LE LOUVION.

T/Lieut. P. Barnfather M.C. is granted permission to wear badges of rank of A/Capt (additional).

16 Nov 1918

The Field Marshal Commanding -in-Chief under authority granted by His Majesty the King, awards the following:

The Distinguished Service Order:-

Lt. Col. A.N. Hingley M.C.

The Military Cross:-

2/Lt J.W. Reid

2/Lt E.R. Ball

Bar to Dist. Conduct Medal:-

627 C.S.M. L.H. ?Sandoe? D.C.M. M.M.

Dist. Conduct Medal:-

24768 Pte. S. Ruddle

290805 Cpl D. Clarke

9196 Sgt. W. W????

17 – 18 Nov 1918

The Battn moved to billets at WARGNIES LE GRAND and on 18th to ROUVIGNIES.

19 Nov 1918

Move was made to billets at AUBERCHICOURT.

25 -29 Nov 1918

The Battn moved to LECELLES by route march and to LA GLANERIES on 26th. Remaining there until the end of the month.

30 Nov 1918

From 10th Nov onwards the Battn was engaged in reorganisation and training whenever possible.

Summary of casualties during the month

Killed in action: Officers 0, OR 11

Wounded in action: Officers 1, OR 50

Wounded (Gas): Officers 0, OR 3

Wounded at duty: Officers 0, OR 2

Missing: Officers 0, OR 2

Died of Wounds: Officers 0, OR 6


Officers 5

O. Ranks 47

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